Prescription of alfa-lipoic acid to the patients with diabetic neuropathy in accordance with evidence-based medicine
Daniela Adamkovičová 1; Martin Selvek 1; Roman Mužik 1; Ivan Tkáč 2
Authors‘ workplace:
DÔVERA zdravotná poisťovňa, a. s., Bratislava
1; Excelentný tím pre výskum aterosklerózy (EXTASY), IV. interná klinika UPJŠ LF a UN LP, Košice
Published in:
Forum Diab 2023; 12(1): 55-58
Diabetic neuropathy is one of the most common comorbidities of diabetes. One of the agents used in its treatment is alpha-lipoic acid (ALA). From several studies investigating the dose-dependence of its effect, a dose of 600 mg daily has been shown to be optimal. The prescriptions of ALA in the years 2017–2022 were analyzed based on the data of the health insurance company Dôvera. In patients on regular ALA treatment, the daily dose of ALA used was determined based on the prescription. In 2022, of the 8,281 patients on regular ALA, 43.8 % were on a dose greater than 600 mg per day and 6.1 % were on a dose greater than 900 mg per day. Patients who had ALA prescriptions from multiple physicians were statistically significantly more likely to be taking a higher than recommended dose. It can be observed of the health insurance data that a significant proportion of patients are taking higher than recommended doses of ALA. Although the proportion of patients on a dose of ALA greater than 600 mg is decreasing, physicians need to be proactive in preventing accumulation of prescriptions in patients.
diabetic neuropathy – alpha-lipoic acid – optimal dose
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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicineArticle was published in
Forum Diabetologicum
2023 Issue 1
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