Forum Diabetologicum - Issue 1/2018
Ján Murín, Martin Wawruch, Soňa Kiňová
Ľubomíra Fábryová
Tomáš Petrovič, Peter Jackuliak, Juraj Payer
Peter Gavorník, Andrej Dukát, Ľudovít Gašpar, Gabriela Gubo, Naďa Bežillová, Martina Kováčová, Eva Gavorníková, Anna Petrášová, Iveta Gašparová, Lujza Sabolová, Marek Kučera, Katarína Kusendová, Alena Uhrinová, Matej Bendžala, Dáša Mesárošová
Emil Martinka, Vladimír Uličiansky, Marián Mokáň, Ivan Tkáč, Peter Galajda, Silvia Dókušová, Zbynek Schroner
Andrej Dukát, Milan Kriška, P. Sabaka, P. Gavornik, M. Kužma, Juraj Payer
Alena Šmahelová
Forum Diabetologicum

2018 Issue 1
Most read in this issue
- PCSK9 inhibitors and the role of evolocumab in the therapy for patients with hyperlipoproteinemia
- Vildagliptin: experience and prospects
- A consensual therapeutic recommendation for type 2 diabetes mellitus by the Slovak Diabetes Society (2018)
- Comprehensive approach in the management of patients with diabesity