Factors conducive to optimal control of type 1 diabetes mellitus in childhood and adolescence
Miriam Čiljaková 1,2; Andrea Milanová 1; Dana Černochová 1; Eva Mendelová 1; Jarmila Vojtková 2; Alenka; Szokeová 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Detské oddelenie NEDÚ, Ľubochňa
1; Klinika detí a dorastu UNM a JLF UK, Martin
Published in:
Forum Diab 2017; 6(2): 79-83
Despite of significant progress in treatment of diabetes, more than half of children do not have optimal metabolic control of diabetes. In 2014, average HbA1c was 8,5 % in children and young adults in TEENs international study. SWEET project associating mainly centres of west and middle Europe reported average HbA1c 7,8 % in 2015, optimal control of diabetes was reached in 39,1 % of children and adolescents.
The main aim of work is to refer to factors influencing metabolic compensation of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) in childhood and adolescence, to emphasize complexity of topic and difficulty of management.
Methods and results:
Based on summary of literary data and clinical experiences, we can divide factors on suggestible and non-suggestible. In aspect of suggestible factors, favorable influence on control of diabetes has use of modern technologies in whole complexity including use of computer programs of glucometers, continuous glucose sensors or insulin pumps. Programs allow to assess adherence to treatment in detail, contribute to education and motivation of children with diabetes as well as all family, allow quick and correct adjustment of treatment, possibly also by electronic communication. Positive results are reached by increased frequency of regular check-ups and stays on special workplaces with regular group and individual education, possibility of psychological and social support. Age of child and socio-economic state of family are non-suggestible factors.
The work offers global view on difficulty of management of child with diabetes and show options of favorable modulation of suggestible factors for optimalisation of T1DM control in childhood and adolescence.
Key words:
childhood, optimal control of diabetes, type 1 diabetes mellitus
11. 4. 2017
2. 5. 2017
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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicineArticle was published in
Forum Diabetologicum

2017 Issue 2
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